Minting USDV
The USDV Web App is designed to facilitate easy minting, coloring, crosschain transfer and monitoring of USDV. Refer to the links below for USDV Web App access.
Click the Launch App button (upper right corner) to start.
You will be immediately redirected to the Web App's 'Mint' page. You must connect your whitelisted wallet for full access, otherwise you will only have default ‘Mint’ and ‘Redeem’ functions.
Click ‘Connect’ (upper right corner) to connect with your wallet. Choose the suitable app for your whitelisted wallet. Please ensure the browser extension for your chosen wallet has already been installed.
After successfully connecting to your whitelisted wallet, you will notice that ‘Coloring’ and ‘Transfer’ functions are unlocked.
Back to the 'Mint' page. You can mint USDV by supplying STBT. Enter the supply amount. Supply and mint are on a 1:1 basis.
Set Color
An important feature of USDV is ColorTrace. Minters can mint their USDV in any of the circulating colors. If you are a ‘Verified Minter’, the default color will be your assigned color. Here, our default (and assigned) color is 14.
Click on the pen icon to change your choice of color. Colors are recorded as unique positive integers. The number of colors is capped by the number of ‘Verified Minters’ in the USDV ecosystem.
Click the ‘Mint’ button to initiate the transaction. You will be asked to confirm the transaction in your wallet. Click ‘Confirm’ to proceed.
After successful confirmation, the transaction is submitted and USDV will be directly sent to your wallet.
Import USDV to your wallet
After minting USDV, remember to import them to your wallet by clicking ‘Add USDV to Wallet’ so USDV is properly revealed in your wallet.
Confirm ‘Add Token’ on your wallet to complete USDV import.
Last updated